
Keeping a dog outside is more accepted in some countries than others. Here in the UK very few dogs are kenneled in yards, guardians consider it cruel & unnecessary.

However, in many countries it is common practice with dogs living in the home unusual.

We don’t advocate kennel life for a family pet for these reasons

  1. Dogs are highly sociable animals. Left alone for long periods of time isolated & alone can cause distress and behaviour changes.
  2. A dog left unattended is a theft risk. It is much easier to steal a dog from a garden than it is to steal a dog from a house.
  3. Your dog may escape & roam. Dogs are industrious creatures & will look for breaches in your garden boundary. A roaming dog is at risk of injury as well as being lost. We know of roaming dogs being killed by drowning or traffic accidents.
  4. Hypothermia risk. Some dogs cope better than others in the cold as they have been bred to withstand the weather. However no dog should be exposed to prolonged cold temperatures. In addition to hypothermia your dog may develop frostbite.
  5. A dog left alone may become bored which could result in destructive behaviour
  6. Your dog may be exposed to more stimuli outside than indoors. This may cause them to bark excessively which could be considered a nuisance if you have close neighbours.
  7. Heatstroke kills. A dog outside & unable to escape the weather is in danger of over heating.

Stay Howl-O-Ween Safe

Do You Know What to Do If You Hit An Animal With Your Car?

It is a legal requirement to report collisions with some animals and not others. We would suggest that you seek assistance for any animal that you injure while driving. If you need to call the police & / or the RSPCA wait for them to arrive in a sensible way. Do not risk danger to yourself or other road users. Remember that an injured animal will be an aggressive animal & act accordingly.

World Rabies Day

Being A Responsible Dog Owner #GetItRight

Welcoming a dog in to your life is a huge commitment which will last for many years. It’s so important to get it right. If you don’t it will have consequences for you, your dog & possibly people around you.

The above video touches on pitfalls that may occur before you even meet your new canine family member.

Sadly there are unscrupulous people who see puppies as currency. Puppy farmers who keep dogs in dreadful conditions with low welfare standards. Breeders who dodge the rules with no care for the pup other than the money you will give them for it.

Please do your homework & buy from a reputable breeder or consider adoption instead.

We put together a few things that we, as dog guardians feel it important to know before you take the plunge & add a dog to your family. We hope you will find them useful.

Please feel free to download.


Chaining a dog outside is not something that most of us would do but did you know that it is perfectly legal to do so in the UK & many other countries?

Chaining has a massively negative impact on a dog for many reasons, including the following

  • Provokes aggressive behaviour as the dog is unable to move away from anything that they find worrying
  • Forces them to urinate & defecate in the same space as they eat
  • Exposes them to extreme weather conditions
  • Injuries & even death can occur as the dog attempts to free itself
  • Dogs are sociable animals, keeping a dog on a chain impacts negatively on their mental health
  • Increased risk of getting sick
  • Dogs on chains bark a lot, this can trigger complaints in the community which adversely affect the dog
  • Lunging & pulling on the chain can cause damage to the dog


  1. Off lead dogs will notice wildlife much faster than humans. They will chase them down. Even the best behaved dog is highly likely to engage in this behaviour as prey drive kicks in. Our dogs can fatally injure or kill a wild animal easily.
  2. Ground nesting birds will leave the nest in the presence of our dogs. Even if our dogs do not interfere with the eggs constant spells off the nest will result in failed incubation & hatching.
  3. In the presence of our dogs ground nesting birds will give an alarm call. This call may attract other predators to the eggs even when our dogs do not destroy them.
  4. Seals will haul out to sea in a panic in the presence of a dog. They will rip their skin & damage their fins as they flee. There have also been instances of tombstoning. Seals have been known to throw themselves off cliffs in blind panic. They sustain life threatening injuries as they are dashed against the rocks, some die before they hit the water.
  5. Female seals will leave pups on the shore while they hunt for fish. If our scent mingles with that of the seal pup abandonment & death is likely. Seals rely on scent to recognise their young.
  6. Wildlife chooses to use spaces because the habitat is ideal for them to thrive. Our negative interactions with wildlife will render the habitat unsuitable. Therefore having a negative impact on biodiversity.
  7. It is important to keep our distance when watching wildlife. Getting too close to a wild animal can result in injury to ourselves in some cases. The wild animal can be labelled as aggressive & killed by authorities if they become fearful of us & attempt to defend themselves.

Helping Your New Family Member Settle In

How does a dog go from living on the streets to living in your home?

Can you imagine how confusing our world might be for them. Below are some PDF slides which remind us of some of the things they might need a bit of help with.

The Cost Of Living Crisis

As the cost of living bites many people are struggling to meet the needs of their dogs. We have a few money saving tips below. You may find some of them helpful.

If you find that the only way through financial hardship is to surrender your dog please reach out to a rescue organisation. Please avoid online selling sites at all costs.

You can reach out to us too using the contact form on the home page.

Sheep Worrying

Sheep worrying is said to be on the rise (Rural Insurance Group), possibly fuelled by an increased dog population due to pandemic puppies.

If you are, or know of a first time dog parent please make them aware of the resources below.

Spay & Neuter

Spay & neuter is the most proactive way to support rescue.

There are millions of homeless dogs living on our planet. They lead short difficult lives. Please support spay & neuter initiatives whenever you can.

Combined with educational outreach it is the only way to stop suffering.